want to create a website ?

Convert Image To Text

First of all download it from here.
You don’t need to install it, its an independent executable file.
The user interface is easily made and with no such hard turns. Click on Open image to load the image you want to convert to text. But make sure that  the image is proper JPEG image.
Once the image is loaded, it will be displayed in the upper horizontal row. Below the right side of image, you can see the resolution and character numbers settings. This will determine the length of the characters in rows and columns. The lowest value 2 gives the highest possible resolution for the image. While the character’s size and resolution goes decreasing for the increasing value of 2+.
Once you are done with the image settings, click on Convert button to convert it to text.
The image will be converted to characters and you can easily copy or save it from Copy Text or Save Text button.
Paste it in any text editor, you’ll get the final result similar to the one below:

Change Windows 7 Logon Screen To Anything You Want

This useful tool is actually brought to you by tweaks.com.
It enables you to change the background of the windows logon screen. You can have any size of background, this tool automatically resizes and recompresses the image to the highest quality possible being the original image untouched and unmodified.
If you want the default Windows 7 logon screen back just click Revert to Default Logon Screen and the application will automatically uninstall any customized screens.
To change the logon screen, download Tweaks.com Logon changer for Windows 7.
Unzip the 250 KB zip file and run the program. When the program loads up, Click on Change Logon Screen button.
Browse the background image you want in your logon screen. Don’t worry about 245KB image limit as logon changer tool automatically compress and resizes the image. So you can choose any large file.
If the file size is too large, then it will ask to create copy of it and resize it. Click Yes to proceed.
If it detects old logon backgrounds then click OK. Now you’ll have new logon screen ready. To have a live preview of it click on Test button.
If you don’t like the current screen and want to switch back you can always click on Revert to Default Logon Screen.
 I Hope this trick is helpful you .

How To Send Free SMS

1) Go to cellbharat.com
2) If you’re first time user then you should enter your mobile number and Click on the appearing “First time user ? Click here to Send PassKey” link to receive the activation key in your mobile phone.

3) No need to login, just enter the pass key whenever you use this service to send Free SMS.

How to create a locked folder in Win XP

1. Create a folder, that you will use to store your protected data. For this example, I created a folder called “locked”, and put that folder in My Documents.
create a locked folder
2. Open Notepad and copy this code ren locked{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} locked . Save notepad file like lock.bat in My Documents. In option Save as Type, select All Files
create a locked folder
3. Open another notepad file and copy this code ren unlock{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} unlock, and save like unlock.bat
After this we can see in My Documents something like this:create a locked folder
If we open (double click) lock.bat our folder will turn into a link to Control Panel, and the files will not be visible. until we use unlock.bat
create a locked folder
Here is video guide

Top Ten Tips To Improve System Speed

Top 1o tips to improve computer speed
1. Let your PC boot up completely before opening any applications.

2. Refresh the desktop after closing any application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.
3. Do not set very large file size images as your wallpaper. Do not keep a wallpaper at all if your PC is low on RAM (less than 64 MB).
4. Do not clutter your Desktop with a lot of shortcuts. Each shortcut on the desktop uses up to 500 bytes of RAM
5. Empty the recycle bin regularly. The files are not really deleted from your hard drive until you empty the recycle bin.
6. Delete the temporary internet files regularly.
7. Defragment your hard drive once every two months. This will free up a lot of space on your hard drive and rearrange the files so that your applications run faster.
8. Always make two partitions in your hard drive. Install all large Softwares (like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc) in the second partition. Windows uses all the available empty space in C drive as virtual memory when your Computer RAM is full. Keep the C Drive as empty as possible.
9. When installing new Softwares disable the option of having a tray icon. The tray icons use up available RAM, and also slow down the booting of your PC. Also disable the option of starting the application automatically when the PC boots. You can disable these options later on also from the Tools or preferences menu in your application.
10. Protect your PC from dust. Dust causes the CPU cooling fan to jam and slow down thereby gradually heating your CPU and affecting the processing speed. Use compressed air to blow out any dust from the CPU. Never use vacuum.

Protect Your USB Drive From Virus With Dummy Files

Initially assume that you have some files in your USB drive and you want to fill up the remaining space.
First download USBDummyProtect (an executable 4KB ZIP file). Once you’ve downloaded the file extract it and copy the exe file in to your USB root drive.
You can see in the first image that we’ve about 1GB disk space left, this tool will help you to fill the remaining space easily by creating a dummy file.
Once the exe file has been copied, run the program by double clicking it. As soon as the program runs, the program starts to create a dummy file that has enough size to fill of all the remaining space of yourUSB storage device.
Once the dummy file creation is successful you’ll be notified. Press enter to close the program.
You can see a dummy.file in your USB drive.
Also check out your USB device disk space.
It must have filled now with zero space available. This will prevent other infectitous programs to copy itself to your USB drive.
Incase if you want to copy some files from your own non-infected PC then delete the dummy.file and again run the program.

How To Hide Any Drive Through Regedit

You can hide any drive with a simple registry edit, by following the below steps -
1. Go to Start Menu > Run (WIN+R) > Type regedit and press enter, to launch Registry Editor.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies
3. Right click on Policies > New > Key and rename it to Explorer (If Explorer Key is not there)

3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
4. Now Right click on the right side pane and click on New > DWORD value and rename it as NoDrives

5. Now suppose you want to hide C drive, so right click on NoDrives > Modify
Change the Base Type to Decimal and Value Data to 4 (for C drive)
Similarly, for hiding other drives use different Value data from the below table-
To hide drive A and drive D, you would add 1 (A) + 8 (D) which means the value should be set to “9″.
6. Log Off and Log In back to see changes.

How To Become The SYSTEM User In Windows XP

If you think Administrator has the largest privileges onto the computer, then you are wrong. There is a user who is named SYSTEM. SYSTEM has full control of the operating system and it’s kernel. If you open windows task manager (press ctrl+alt and delete) you will see that System User controls several processes. These processes cannot be closed by Administrator. In this tutorial we will see how to trickWindows into running our desktop as System. So we’ll get a much greater privileges over computer.
1.Open Command Prompt. Go to Start , then Run. In Run option type cmd and click OK. After this will open Command Prompt, or Start->All Programs ->Accessories->Command Prompt
run command prompt
2. In Command Prompt write at 13:55 /interactive “cmd.exe” and press enter , the time is usually a minute or two ahead of your present time in the 24 hours format.
After a minute or two will appear new Comand Prompt Window wit different title bar. It has changed from cmd.exe to svchost.exe.
3. End current explorer.exe process. Open Task Manager, select explorer.exe and click End Process.
End Process
4. In new Comand Prompt with title svchost.exe write cd.. and press enter , then write explorer.exe and press enter.

After this you will become SYSTEM use

On Screen Keyboard

On screen keyboard is one of the coolest windows features that displays a virtual keyboard on the computer screen that allows people with mobility impairments to type data by using a pointing device or joystick..
To use it go to start-> run and type osk