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How to Emulate the USB Dongle or how to break it ?

I wanna emulate the USB dongle for one of my applications, I want to run that applications over a multiplecomputers over a network ,

I have purchased the licensed copy of the software, but it dosent works with out the dongle, how can I break the usb dongle security mechanism, or please suggest me how to emulate the program ?

I'm fed up of searching in the internet, & getting the freeware programs for breaking the Security mechanism of USB dongles !
please reply ,
my self tried to contact you on the given number, your phone seems to be unreachable,

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Hide any file in a image TUT

Hide any file in a image TUT

Yes, Now you can hide your file in a picture. New isn't? Lets see how to hide any file in a picture.

First we need to download a program called ConcealFiles. There are paid version and free version.

We can try a free version.