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How to Create Your Own Customized Run Commands

                This Trick will help you in creating your own customized Run command that you can use to initiate a variety of programs. The Run is a special in built utility that allows you to interact with the system through the command line. There are several in built commands to initiate a variety of programs like calc for Calculator, cmd for Command Prompt. So let’s start out and create our own command.
We will take an example in which we would create a run command to launch Google Chrome web browser. When you type in gc in the run command the New Google Chrome window should open.

Step-1:-Create a shortcut of “Chrome” on the desktop and rename it as “gc”.

Step-2:-Then copy this shortcut into your Windows directory

Step-3:-That’s it! Simply run the Run utility and type in gc and hit enter to see the customized run command results

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5 Great Registry Hacks

                Today I am going to tell you about 5 great registry hacks which will help you improve your system features and performance.

registry hacks

1. Security:
USB Drives are one of the major tool through which data transfer takes place. In order to protect your data from getting stolen from you computer with the help of a USB drive you can make the USB drives read only.
Go to  ‘HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies‘ and   create a new DWORD value ‘WriteProtect‘ and set its value to 1. This will enable you to read from USB drives, but you won’t be able to copy data to it.

2. Sorting Files:
Quite often you want the files to appear according to their names in explorer. In order to restore the ASCII file ordering, perform the following hack :
Go to ‘HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer’ and create a new DWORD value called as ‘NoStrCmpLogical’ and set its value to 1.

3. Speeding Up Menu loading time:
In order to make your menus load faster, perform the following tweak.
Go to ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Control Panel\Desktop‘ and right click ‘MenuShowDelay’ and click ‘Modify’. Change the string value to some nearby 100 value.

4. Reducing Folder Accessibility Time:
To speed up the access to any folder that is pinned to start menu, perform the following hack
Go to ‘HKCR\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers’ and right click ‘ContextMenuHandlers‘ and click ‘New|Key‘. Type ” (blank space and no quotation marks) and press Enter. Select any folder and right click on it to select ‘Pin to Start Menu’ while holding Shift key.

5. Multiple Logins in Messenger:
By default you are allowed only a single login at a time on Live Windows Messenger. You can override this by
Go to ‘HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsLive\Messenger’ and create a new DWORD value ‘Multiple Instances’ and its values as 1.


How To Create a Nameless Folder

Today I will discuss a trick that will allow you to create files and folders without any name. To perform the trick just follow the following steps:
Step 1 : First of all select any file or folder whom you want to assign no name.
Step 2 : Now right click on the file or folder and choose rename option.
Step 3 : Now the main part, press and hold the alt key and while holding the Alt key type numbers 0160 from the numpad. Here it is important to note that number 0160 should be typed from numpad and not from number keys present above character keys.
Step 4 : Press Enter and the nameless file or folder will be created. The file or folder that seems nameless is actually named with a single space.
Nameless file or folder  

         Now if you want to creat multiple nameless files and folders in the same directory that may cause a problem. But you can create another nameless file or folder in the same directory. You will have to rename the file with 2 spaces. Just follow the steps given below to successfully create another nameless file or folder.
Step 1 : Select any file or folder whom you want to assign no name.
Step 2 : Now right click on it and choose rename option.
Step 3 : Now the main part, press and hold the alt key and while holding the Alt key type numbers 0160 from the numpad. Now without doing anything else, again hold alt key and press 0160.
Step 4 : Press enter and you will have second nameless file in the same directory.
Step 5 : Repeat step 3 and 4 to create as many nameless files or folders as you want in the same directory.
nameless folders

How To Free Calls,Anywhere in The World

            Now you can Make 2 Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World. Yes you read it correct! 2 Free calls per day anywhere in the world. You can do this by using EvaPhone. EvaPhone provides Internet telephone calls for free. They let you make PC-to-phone free international calls. All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Internet to phone.

Free Call Worldwide

You Can Use these Free calls to call any number around the world but for just 1minute. Although Time duration is just 1 minute per call but I guess its good opportunity for people who want to call others by some international numbers and play a prank on their friends. Share your views about it. Also share about any pranks you plan to play with your friends using it.