want to create a website ?

Remove Shutdown Button

Hey,Friends Today I m Talk U Some Different
To remove the shutdown button from the logon screen in WinXP and 2K, use regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system change the value of the dword 'shutdownwithoutlogon' to '0'. exit regedit.


All Ping Commands And Their Function

Example .. In DOS .. c:>ping -t

-t Ping the specifed host until interrupted

-a Resolve addresses to hostnames

-n count Number of echo requests to send

-l size Send buffer size

-f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet

-i TTL Time To Live

-v TOS Type Of Service

-r count Record route for count hops

-s count Timestamp for count hops

-j host-list Loose source route along host-list

-k host-list Strict source route along host-list

-w timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply

Experiment to see how helpful these can be!

Enjoy We R The Bhai...........

Surf The Blocked Websites !!!

Hey Friends,Your School/College Have a Block Web Site,, Don't Fear I MComeing Your All Problem I m Solving.......

Are you frustrated because you are not able to visit your Favorite websites in your school or college ?
Well, no problem the remedy comes here !

Below are the list of various sites from which you can surf the blocked websites !

Another Way,
Today we still use Internet Explorer to surf the net
, so if the block is done on the system then using Mozilla Firefox can help !
Use Firefox and try visiting the blocked sites !


Friends I Hope u Use This

Crack BIOS Password !!!! It's True Fact

Hey Friends,Today I am Talk You True Fact In Your Computer I also Used.........

Forgot BIOS Password ?

Do the following :

Open the CPU
2. Now, observe the motherboard.
3. You notice a coin like silver Battery(3V).

----------------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------------
This battery is 24 x 7 power supply for the BIOS, which is used to run the system clock will the Main power is off. It also initiates the booting process when power is switched on.

4. Remove the battery from the motherboard.

(It is safe to remove the Battery)
5. Wait 30 seconds and Palce the battery back on the motherboard.
6. Now, when you Start your system you won't be prompted for the BIOS password.

------------------------------------ CAUTION ----------------------------
Perform on your own risk !2.
You have to set the time of your computer when you start again.
 Enjoy !!! Enjoy !!! Enjoy !!! Enjoy !!! Enjoy !!! Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!