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Freeup or clean RAM using Notepad

RAM – Stand For Random Access Memory is one of the main component of computer that is responsible for the process of the operating system. Since all the Operating systems support Multiprocessing, hence require a good RAM speed.
Since all the current running processes are stored onto the RAM, it slows the system speed. Sometimes the process which have executed but are not required by the OS are stored on the RAM. So, we can remove or freeup the RAM with unused junk data to Speedup the System or processing speed.
We can clean the RAM just by using a Notepad application. This donot require any advanced software. The process to do so is as follows.

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Delete Autorun.inf Virus Manually using just Winrar

Hello Friends Today i m tell u About this topic
Remove autorun.inf virus from windows
Once it happened to a friend of mine, when his newly bought laptop was infected with this autorun.inf virus. This virus corrupted almost all the  drives on the Hard disk, and when ever he tried to double click on the drive or opening  any drive it opened in a new window. In some cases, when your drive is infected with this Autorun.inf virus, you won’t be able to access the drive completely. You have to browse the drive by Exploring it i.e; Ctrl+E keys from the keyboard.

Sometimes ever you will not be able to see hidden files even if you have Show hidden files Enabled under Folder Options. well, this are all the wonders of this Autorun.inf virus.
I am going to show you this rare method of removing Autorun.inf manually using just winrar application, not any antivirus or malware programs.
Solution to Remove Autorun.inf Virus
Step 1: First Disable CD/DVD or USB Autorun in windows
Step 2: Open Winrar.exe  (Start–>All Programs–>WinRar–>WinRar.exe)
Step 3: Now Browse to any drive that is infected with Autorun.inf virus using winrar explorer.
Step4: Here you will see all the hidden files under winrar for that particular drive.
Step 5: Look for the file Autorun.inf and open it using notepad.
Step 6: In that Autorun file, some .EXE file will be mentioned that will be executed along with the autorun file. This exe file is the main culprit.
Delete Autorun.exe virus file
Step 7: Note the exe file mentioned in the Autorun.inf file. Close this Autorun.inf file.
Step 8: Now look for that .Exe file in the drive (Ex: c:/), Delete that .exe file along with Autorun.inf
Step 9: Restart your Operating System. Now your system is free with Autorun.inf Virus.
Note: Repeat the same process if your Usb or Pendrives are infected with Autorun.inf virus.
If you know anyother method to remove autorun virus from windows operating system, them kindly let me know by posting your method using the Comments on this post.

Ha Ha Ha

Schedule or Auto shutdown PC at specified time – Freeware for Windows Linux or MAC

Hello Mac Userssssssssssss

Sometimes its always healthy to shutdown your pc if you are not using it. I mean, suppose you are downloading a file that will be completed at an estimated time of say 1 hour. You can avoid sitting in front of the monitor till the download is complete. just use the below freeware software to shutdown the computer automatically after a specific amount of time.

Auto Shutdown for Windows software (freeware) – automatic shutdown
Automatically shutdown windows xp after certain time

Usage of Auto Shutdown:
1. Set the time.
2. Set the action to be taken.
a.    Shutdown means that the computer will be turned off (after logging off, if needed). Force means that the running applications (if any) will be forced to close themselves). This can be dangerous, is some cases you may loose your data, unsaved documents.
b.    Remind me about means that, when the time will come, a message box will be shown with your message (e.g. “Eggs are ready!”, or “the movie has began!”).
3. If you want, minimize the program (the “Auto Shutdown” program dialog).
4. That’s it. When the time will come, auto shutdown will do the specified job.
Of course, if you close the dialog (the “Auto Shutdown” program), then nothing will happen. Auto Shutdown must be running to work.
Download Auto shutdown for windows
Download Auto Shutdown Genius — For Linux.
Auto Shutdown Firefox Extension: For MAC/Linux or Windows
Autoshutdown Firefox Plugin
* Executing user scripts after all downloads are finished or computer is idle for specific time
* Play sound after each/All downloads are finished
* Restore Firefox from last session
* Customizable shutdown/idle scripts
* Supporting DownThemAll
Download Autoshutdown Firefox Plugin
